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Cleaning Up Your Inbox technology-mobile-website-socialmedia-appraising Aug 28, 2023

If there’s one thing that consistently stresses out small business owners more consistently than anything else, it’s the dreaded inbox. Especially as an appraiser, I get 3 or 4 hundred emails per day – actual messages, not spam. Seeing all that unread mail in your inbox can set...

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Is Zero Messages In Your Inbox Possible? technology-mobile-website-socialmedia-appraising Aug 21, 2023

My inbox is my to-do list. If I talk to someone and they need something done, I tell them, “Send me an email.” If I have a task that I need to get done, I send myself an email. Because my inbox is my to-do list, I go crazy if it still has things in it at the end of the day. I know...

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One Step at a Time successful-volume-appraisal-business Aug 14, 2023

Some days things just don’t go right. There are times when you have messages in your inbox coming out your ears, a whole list of phone calls to return, and not even a spare minute to inhale that stale peanut butter and jelly sandwich you were supposed to eat for lunch 3 hours ago. These are...

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Highest and Best Use inspections-reports-values-photography-appraising Aug 07, 2023

I had a man reach out to me with a question about a property he had been asked to appraise. It was being listed as a single-family home, but was clearly meant for some other use, probably as a foster type home (he mentioned in his email to me that it had 3 kitchens – one on each floor). His...

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One Step Closer to Owning a Business successful-volume-appraisal-business Aug 01, 2023

One day while I was at the local state fair, I saw a one-man band walking by. As I watched him walk by toting drums, a harmonica, and a banjo, I had to laugh a little bit to myself. He reminded me of many appraisers! I was impressed by his ability to juggle everything, but I also noticed that, in...

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Prioritizing Your Clients lifestyle-goals-future-slow-appraiser Jul 25, 2023

When the pandemic hit us full force in 2020, business skyrocketed. We had never been busier! If I had tried to do everything the same way I did before, hiring someone just to turn down offers wouldn’t be a joke. It used to be that I would never dream of turning down an offer. But then, we...

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