During my mastermind meetings we have what we call “couch time.” This is the time when people have an hour to “lay down on the couch” and tell us about their problems so that we can help them find solutions. During one of these sessions with my online mastermind class, one of the guys in attendance said something that really stuck with me. “If you don’t hire an assistant, you ARE the assistant.”
I loved the way he put that! Folks, think about it. When you go to the doctor’s office, the doctor doesn’t greet you at the counter or take your blood pressure; he has a receptionist and a nurse to do those things. A lawyer has a secretary to take his calls and schedule appointments. Other professionals know the value of having an assistant. If we as appraisers want to be treated like the professionals we are, we need to start acting like those professionals.
If you are considering hiring an assistant, go get one! Give the work you can pay someone else less money to do to someone else. Don’t be the person that says, “If you want to get the job done right, do it yourself.” There are other people that are able to do data entry, write your emails, and take your calls. Take the leap. Don’t be the assistant; be the professional. I promise you it will make a difference!
For more information on this subject, please listen to The Appraiser Coach Podcast Episode: