
Don’t Just Endure - Excel inspections-reports-values-photography-appraising Apr 25, 2024

Recently, I've delved into a topic on many minds – the market's shifts, whether a recession, slowdown, or a mere change in dynamics. This phenomenon is widespread, affecting appraisers nationwide. Yet, intriguingly, while some face hardships, others thrive. The question echoes: Why the...

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Inviting New Talent Into Our Field lifestyle-goals-future-slow-appraiser Apr 18, 2024

As someone deeply immersed in the world of real estate appraisals, I've noticed a significant issue plaguing our industry: a lack of diversity. While this is a complex problem, it boils down to one crucial factor—removing the major obstacle that hinders potential trainees from entering the...

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Looking to the Future successful-volume-appraisal-business Apr 11, 2024

When facing the complexities and challenges of life, sometimes it's tempting to keep pushing forward on the same path, hoping that somehow, everything will work itself out. We may be hesitant to pause, reevaluate, and address the issues that are holding us back. It's like riding a bike with a...

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Small Equals Big successful-volume-appraisal-business Apr 05, 2024

Small changes can lead to big improvements. At some point, within almost every coaching session, I believe that some version of this topic comes up. I’ll suggest a fairly minor change my client could make but I hear all the same reasons that the appraiser I’m coaching shouldn’t...

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Getting Into Private Work amc-alternative-agents-appraising Apr 04, 2024

In today's challenging appraisal market, where lending has slowed down significantly in various regions, appraisers are seeking new ways to boost their business and pay their bills. While it's natural to first explore opportunities within your current domain, such as lender work or work from...

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Your Appraisal Office Game Changer trainees-employees-mentors-appraising Mar 29, 2024

As a seasoned real estate appraiser, I've come to appreciate the transformative role of an office manager in my business. An office manager can be the key to reducing the immense workload that often falls on the shoulders of a business owner. In this article, I want to share some of the critical...

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