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The Bumps and Bruises in the Appraisal World lifestyle-goals-future-slow-appraiser Dec 26, 2018

As I teach principles of prosperity and share things with you that have made my appraisal business more successful, I often don’t talk about the many difficulties I’ve faced along the way. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, I have found that when I am optimistic, I tend to...

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Inspections Can Sometimes Be Embarrassing marketing-advertising-fees-clients-appraisals Dec 18, 2018

Inspections can occasionally get embarrassing, right?  It happens to all of us. That's just part of the appraisal business.  But that does not make things any easier or less embarrassing, does it.  Let me tell you three stories.

First is the house with the unique basement....

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Maintaining Your Standards as a Mentor trainees-employees-mentors-appraising Dec 12, 2018

The Appraisal Foundation recently announced that they are lowering their standards for appraisers to get their appraiser licenses. Prior to April 30, 2018, licensed general appraisers needed 2,000 hours of experience over the course of a minimum of twelve months. As of May 1, 2018, this has now...

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Keep Your Appraisal Vehicle Organized lifestyle-goals-future-slow-appraiser Dec 04, 2018

Since we spend so much time in them, let's talk about your appraisal vehicle.  How organized is it? Does it make you more efficient? Does it help you create value for others? Is it an appraisal tool, or just another thing that's part of your stuff?  

Let's start with your computer bag....

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Reconciliation inspections-reports-values-photography-appraising Nov 13, 2018

How do you reconcile between the value indications of the three approaches, or even between the range of value indication in even one approach? How you answer this is important since SR1-6 calls for us to answer both of these questions as part of our reconciliation.

USPAP has no specific...

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New Client, Same Property marketing-advertising-fees-clients-appraisals Oct 30, 2018

There is a problem that I would guess most appraisers run into on a somewhat frequent basis. Imagine the following scenario (it probably won’t be too hard since you have likely encountered something similar): You do an appraisal for Client A. Somewhere during the loan process, the loan is...

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