
Non-Lender vs. AMC Appraisal Work amc-alternative-agents-appraising Apr 20, 2014

One of the hottest topics right now in the appraisal world is that of non-lender work.  I am probably asked a question concerning non-lender appraisals a couple of times per week, at least.  “How do I do more work for attorneys?”  “How do I go about marketing to...

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Should Appraisers be Using Regression Analysis Tools? inspections-reports-values-photography-appraising Apr 14, 2014

What is a regression tool for appraisers?  In layman’s terms, it is a way to take statistical data and boil it down into a readable format.  It is one thing for an appraiser to say the market is decreasing, increasing or stable, but can they support that comment beyond a...

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A Few Things you Might Need if you are going to do Appraisal Expert Witness Work lifestyle-goals-future-slow-appraiser Mar 17, 2014

With the downturn in the mortgage lending world, many appraisers are scrambling for more non-lender business.  One aspect that is appealing to some is that of Expert Witness Testimonies.  Many trials or depositions need a real estate appraiser to perform expert witness services. ...

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Why Do Appraisers Need a College Degree? government-laws-compliance-appraising Jan 12, 2014

Let me begin by stating that I hold both a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree. I do not state that to get the adulations of the reader, but to qualify myself as one who can speak with at least a small degree of authority on this subject.  Let me also be fair in stating that...

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Borrowerā€™s Commonly Asked Questions and How an Appraiser Should Answer Them lifestyle-goals-future-slow-appraiser Nov 19, 2013

One of the aspects I love most about appraising is that every day is different.  I inspect an average of 3.25 houses per day.  Since every house is different, every day is unique.  Despite the variety we enjoy, I have also recognized that, though the setting varies each time, there...

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Which Laser Measuring Device is Best for Appraisers? technology-mobile-website-socialmedia-appraising Nov 05, 2013

Last time, we talked about tablets and which ones were best for appraisers.  The other question that is frequently asked of me concerning Mobile Appraising is that of laser measuring devices.  As you know, there are many of them on the market.  You can go to Home Depot and pick up...

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