
Can We Stop Attributing Geographic Competency to Distance? lifestyle-goals-future-slow-appraiser Apr 13, 2016

Last year, I mentored an appraiser over the phone from New York. He had just moved to New York from Florida He had lived and worked as an appraiser in Florida for over 25 years. His business consisted mostly of lender (AMC) work. Though he was now living full-time in New York, he still had a home...

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Seven Myths About Alternative Appraisal Valuations inspections-reports-values-photography-appraising Feb 28, 2016

We are hearing more and more about alternative valuation products such as desktop or computer assisted valuations, or “evalutions”.  It seems to be a taboo subject among appraisers, but we needn’t be fearful.  Here are seven common myths surrounding the subject of...

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Is Your Appraiser Packing Heat? lifestyle-goals-future-slow-appraiser Feb 09, 2016

There are several appraisers I look up to scattered around this vast profession.  One of them is Tom Horn.  Tom writes and posts a regular blog in Alabama that all appraisers should envy (and emulate).  As a follow up to a recent Appraiser Coach Podcast episode I did on...

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Is Technology Making it Easier or Harder to do Your Job? amc-alternative-agents-appraising Dec 10, 2015

One of my passions is helping my fellow appraisers save time and make things more efficient for their appraisal flow.  As a fee appraiser, I realize that time does indeed equal money.  If I can complete an appraisal faster (without cutting quality), I can do more appraisals over...

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Almost Everyone Should Join a National Appraisal Coalition marketing-advertising-fees-clients-appraisals Dec 01, 2015

I live just steps away from the famous Southfork of the Snake River.  It is a beautiful setting and people come from all over the world to fish and experience this part of the globe.  It is not unusual to get wildlife walking through my backyard.  Just this morning, there were...

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a la carte Appraising lifestyle-goals-future-slow-appraiser Nov 11, 2015

I was speaking with an AMC executive recently (yes, appraisers and AMC employees can talk to one another) as a friend.  He and I were swapping stories and he told me one that just made me recoil in shock and simultaneously laugh at the irony.  

He said that one of his panel appraisers...

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