Here’s a question I get asked pretty often, both online and in person at my real estate appraisal workshops: ‘Should I pull my comps before or after the appraisal inspection?’ Well, the answer is… it depends. What it depends on, primarily, is whether or not you have the...
To keep my finger on the pulse of the real estate appraisal community, I like to check in on Facebook groups dedicated to our profession. A little while ago, I noticed that the same question was coming up over and over again; ‘can you use the subject as a comparable sale?’
When you...
I was sitting in my office recently when I saw one of my assistants taking a call. Just from watching her and hearing her a little, I could tell it wasn’t going well. She was trying to be courteous and professional, but she was getting flustered.
I asked her to transfer the call over to...
I’ve being using the latest and greatest mobile technology in my work for over 15 years now. I consider myself a seasoned mobile appraiser. My favored device in the past few years has been a tablet; specifically, the iPad Mini.
I’ve been asked many times in the past few years...
Reserved is not a word that anyone would use to describe Mark Skapinetz; at least of those who know him. Shy is not in his vocabulary. Mark is the founder of the “100% Real Estate Appraisers” group on Facebook. He joined me on April 23, 2017 as a guest on The Appraiser Coach Podcast...
I want to talk to you about the fourth approach to value, and specifically an occasion on which it truly saved my bacon.
Now, I know a lot of you real estate appraisers out there probably started chuckling as soon as you read the words ‘fourth approach to value.' If you did, I get it,...