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Envisioning Your Appraiser Future lifestyle-goals-future-slow-appraiser Oct 20, 2020

Most of my coaching clients come to me with a less than refined idea of what they want for their future. Essentially they tell me they want to make more money, have more time, or make more money and have more time. However, they are unclear what having more money and/or more time would...

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WHAT DO YOU MEAN I APPRAISED THE WRONG HOUSE!? lifestyle-goals-future-slow-appraiser Oct 13, 2020

Ever appraised the wrong house?  I have.  So, probably have you.  OK, dumb mistake made.  Nothing you can do about it.  So, how do you recover from a mistake that large?

First of all, understand I thought I had the right house.  My office said the front door would be...

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Pictures in Private Neighborhoods Can be Tricky inspections-reports-values-photography-appraising Oct 06, 2020

Let’s talk about assignments in private neighborhoods, gated communities, or secure communities.  Rich folks buy, sell, and refinance their homes, too, so they need appraisals.  You have an assignment in a security community.  There is security at the entrances, you must be...

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Building Materials Can Affect Value inspections-reports-values-photography-appraising Sep 29, 2020

Here’s a great question:  Where can newbie and apprentice appraisers go to get training in how to distinguish among building materials? 

I have to admit this is something I never gave much thought to - until a follower messaged me about it, but we all understand that differences...

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How To Be Mortgage Free successful-volume-appraisal-business Sep 22, 2020

This blog is, frankly, more oriented toward your personal life, rather than toward real estate appraisal, per se.  So, cut me a little slack here.  And yes, The Appraiser Coach coaches in all aspects of life, not just in the professional lives of appraisers.

Since we like to receive...

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Is a Model Home Considered Occupied? inspections-reports-values-photography-appraising Sep 15, 2020

Here’s a situation you’ll run into once or twice in your career.  There is a new subdivision.  Now, new subdivisions sometimes have model homes.  Model homes typically have furniture, fixtures, and equipment – usually upgraded. The subdivision has completed its...

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