In the past, it was common for appraisers to collect their fees directly from the borrower at the time of the property visit (i.e., at the door). I would take credit cards, checks, or cash while at the door. Many years ago, this was common. Now, however, that rarely happens and we usually...
I don’t know about you, but I eat out for lunch nearly every day. We appraisers are on the road a lot, and eating out is typically the easiest option. As many of you know, this past year, I have focused more on my health. I try to go to the gym at least five days a week, and I have been...
You probably have heard me refer to the analogy of the bus in Jim Collins’ book, Good to Great. He compares a business to a bus and talks about making sure that you have the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the buss, and that those people who are on the bus are in the right...
In the context of a real estate appraisal, especially a residential real estate appraisal for a lender thru an AMC, what is confidential? First, look at USPAP's definition of confidential information (lines 105 - 108 in the 2018-2019 edition). It says "[c]onfidential information [is]...
It is rare for appraisers to meet potential or existing clients face-to-face. As technology dominates the business world, most, if not all, orders are obtained through email or phone. It is essential for appraisers to have a professional phone presence. Today I am going to give you three tips for...
We appraisers must make decisions every day. However, sometimes taking that step is really difficult. I can't take away the difficulty and discomfort inherent in making a decision, but this blog just may help you to understand that discomfort between having to make that a decision and...