
The (or at Least “A”) Reason We Are Not Hiring Trainees trainees-employees-mentors-appraising Apr 12, 2012

I just returned home from a meeting with my church congregation.  I sat next to a man whom I have known for just a short period of time.  However, I know him to be a good man, honest, and hard working.  “You mentioned you work in the appraisal field, right?” he...

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Why are Lenders not Allowing Trainees? trainees-employees-mentors-appraising Feb 03, 2012

Appraisalbuzz recently posted a 'White Paper' on Training the Next Generation of Appraisers.  I thought it was a good enough read to repost to my subscribers.

Please read the article HERE and see my comments below:

I commend the authors of this well-thought out article.  Though I do...

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Appraisal Office Resolutions for 2012 lifestyle-goals-future-slow-appraiser Dec 29, 2011

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”  Not sure who first said it. Don’t really care. It is a mantra I live by and have learned first-hand that it is true.  Traditionally, January 1 marks the unofficial “Let’s Make a Plan for the Year” date. ...

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'Occupy Wall Street' and the Appraiser successful-volume-appraisal-business Oct 22, 2011

I only pay enough attention to the news to know that there are a whole lot of angry people on Wall Street (and scattered across the country) right now.  "All Day...All Week....Occupy Wall Street,"  is their chant.  Okay, so it doesn't technically rhyme, but I think we get the...

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Too Much Reliance on Technology? technology-mobile-website-socialmedia-appraising Jan 16, 2010

I got an email recently, from a listener to The Appraiser Coach Podcast. The individual in question asked, “Is it OK to use TOTAL’s weighted average technique in the final reconciliation of the sales comparison in determining market value?” It was a great question.

Most of you...

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