There are no magic beans or secret sauce that you can use to suddenly make your life better. It’s actually about little tweaks; it’s a bunch of little things that will change your life.
In my workshop, Create Some Value, I talked a lot about the Japanese philosophy of...
You need to take care of yourself, even when you are busy and you’re having record breaking months. You can work hard but you still need to include some rest and relaxation. However, you simply can’t run yourself into the ground. What you do on a regular basis can catch up to you, you...
Appraisers have been accused of being “speed bumps” in the lending process. We frustrate buyers, sellers, loan officers and, sometimes, real estate agents. In some ways, I can understand their frustrations but does that mean they should bypass getting an appraisal? Nope, not at all.
Over and over again, in just about any mastermind group or private coaching, I see the same phenomenon. People get comfortable with what they're doing and, even when they are shown a more efficient way of doing something, they stick with what they know. Sticking to a comfort zone is actually...
As an appraiser, you’re a real estate professional and you are in the business of valuing property. Inevitably, at some point in your career, you’re going to make another real estate professional angry. Some other professional, maybe an agent or a loan officer, is not...
Fear might be a good motivator, but it is a poor problem solver. Over the years, I’ve had to learn how to not be afraid of my clients. That is, I had to learn to not be afraid to ask for what I wanted. Honestly, what is there to be afraid of? They can always say no and, if they do say no,...