Connecting With Agents

amc-alternative-agents-appraising Aug 09, 2022

When it comes to getting business, a lot of us like to go for the “low-hanging fruit.” AMCs are a wonderful source of that “easy to get” business. They’ve been the “bread and butter” of my appraisal business for years. But, as the saying goes, it can be wise to make sure that you don’t have all your eggs in one basket. In recent years, I’ve started trying to make connections with real estate agents as well, and it has proven beneficial for me. True, appraisers and agents may seem to be at odds with each other a lot of the time; one tries to be an impartial third party, and one is a salesman. However, if we take the time to connect, I think that working together with agents can be a great source of business.

When it comes to making connections, there’s always the good old-fashioned method of going and talking to them in person. I’ve done this several times before. I’ve gone to groups of agents and opened it up to them for their questions about appraisals and working with appraisers. This method definitely works, but there’s another way as well, through social media. I’ve found that using Facebook Groups (not pages or profiles – but groups) has worked very well. In Facebook Groups, I am able to connect with agents as the appraisal professional and answer questions they have. This has promoted understanding on both sides, and been a great benefit to us all.

So, if you’re considering trying to do business with agents, I would highly recommend using Facebook Groups and other social media. This has proven a great way for me to connect with agents and talk them through their concerns about appraisal work. If you haven’t started work with agents yet, give it a try! You might just be glad you did.

For more information on this subject, please listen to The Appraiser Coach Podcast Episode:

Connecting With Real Estate Agents on Social Media