Some people might say a public forum isn’t the place to air this dirty laundry, but this is not really a public forum. Of my thousands of readers, very few of them are not in real estate appraisal. Right now, I’m talking to the bad apples.
Maybe you’re in a situation where...
I just got out of an interesting conversation I had with my CPA. Eventually, our conversation veered onto the topic of work. I was curious about what it takes to get into his field (not that I’m interested in getting into it at all).
We talked about our respective professions and about...
I was recently asked by a newbie in real estate appraisal how much I think a new real estate appraiser should charge.
Many new appraisers and trainees want to get off on the right foot and explore options for maximizing their potential right off the bat. My hat goes off to those people who are...
I recently broke my scapula taking my 11-year-old dirt biking. I should have brought another adult, but it was his and my bonding time. To set the scene: We were camping overnight in the Idaho hills, and the next day we went down a trail about 14 miles. Because he’s a little less...
Many of us throw ourselves into our work because we love it. We love it so much we forget to take regular breaks, but it’s such an important thing to do. I’m a fan of “Work hard, play hard.” Working is great, but we need to play sometimes too.
Why did you get into...
Many appraisers work out of our homes, not interacting with office staff or other appraisers. Even when we’re out, we’re still doing work-related tasks like shooting pictures and doing inspections. It is often a one-man show, and can be very lonely. There are, however, ways to make...