I’ve started getting into investing over the last couple of years, and I had an experience related to that that I want to share with you.
I started looking at getting into short-term rentals. I’m smart enough to know what I don’t know, and I started looking for someone who could teach me how to make this work. I found a group that sounded really promising. They had weekly calls, mastermind classes, and a Facebook group where everyone could communicate with each other. The cost to participate was pretty high, but because I look at it as an investment and not just a cost, I decided to talk to them and get more information.
As I was talking to the guy whose job it was to sell me a membership, I realized that lot of what he was telling me about sounded strangely familiar. He was telling me that they teach their members how to put together a procedures manual for things they do frequently. He mentioned the convenience of having it online. He also talked about the importance of hiring a virtual assistant to manage the day-to-day little tasks. All things that I have seen make a difference in appraisal businesses.
The point here is that many of these principles that I share with you for appraisal businesses are universal. They apply to business of any kind. As you apply them, you will begin to see success in your business, as I have.
For more information on this subject, please listen to The Appraiser Coach Podcast Episode: