I’ve used a number of communication tools over the years. I started with Heytell, and loved the walkie-talkie feature. I used that program for several years before moving to Voxer, which had a similar feature. Most recently, I was using WhatsApp, which can do talk, text, video, and still has the walkie-talkie feature (I really like that one, can you tell?). When True Footage said they were moving to a new communication program, I was less than thrilled.
The new program had everything. You could set up multiple channels. You could set up as many direct messages as you wanted. You could send text and video. But it didn’t have the one feature that I have always looked for in a communication tool: the walkie-talkie feature. No such feature had turned up in my research of the program.
In a meeting with my employees, I told them that we were going to have to stop using WhatsApp. I told them about some of my reservations about the new program, foremost among them the lack of a walkie-talkie feature. One of my guys piped up and said, “What’s this little microphone button for?” I told him I assumed it was just talk to text. He disagreed, and in the middle of our meeting used it to send a message to me. A few moments later, his audio came through on my phone loud and clear; it wasn’t talk to text – it was a walkie-talkie feature!
This program has everything! Most importantly to me, it has the walkie-talkie feature (the paid version at least; I’m not sure about the free version). The program is called Slack. Nothing quite compares to it. If you aren’t already using it, I highly recommend you check it out.
For more information on this subject, please listen to The Appraiser Coach Podcast Episode: