
Which Hat Are You Wearing? successful-volume-appraisal-business Jan 16, 2024

              There are many different roles the we play as appraisers. We’re the technician, the business owner, the customer service representative, the secretary, and the janitor – all wrapped up in one. We take...

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Your Business is Your Business successful-volume-appraisal-business Jan 09, 2024

           When I first started coaching, I was told by many people that I should write a book. I was on fire with the good news that you didn’t have to be frustrated with your job, working long hours and getting nowhere. I had a model that I had found to be...

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When Principles Cross Over successful-volume-appraisal-business Dec 19, 2023

            I’ve started getting into investing over the last couple of years, and I had an experience related to that that I want to share with you.

           I started looking at getting into short-term...

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Cost vs Investment successful-volume-appraisal-business Nov 21, 2023

As human beings, we often think of the cost of things. It is my opinion that we think about the cost too much. It keeps us from achieving something truly great. For instance, we may consider starting to get up and exercise every morning, but decide against it when we consider the 30 minutes of...

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Pajamas Vs. Productivity successful-volume-appraisal-business Oct 31, 2023

The myth we often believe when it comes to working from home is that productivity significantly slows down. The image you probably have in your head is someone who lounges around watching soap operas and is just mindful enough to keep the computer from going to sleep in between loads of laundry...

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Have you checked the Procedural Manual? successful-volume-appraisal-business Oct 02, 2023

“Hey, Boss, do you have a second?” If you find yourself getting this question for answers you feel your employees should already know, it might be about time to update your procedural manual and work on your business—you need time for this too, not just tirelessly pumping out...

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