Using the 10 Coffee Challenge

successful-volume-appraisal-business Jun 20, 2024

In the vast landscape of success, there lies a simple yet powerful principle—asking the questions nobody else will and doing the things others fear. This notion resonates deeply with a challenge presented by Tim Ferriss, one that I've recently discovered and am eager to share with you.

Tim Ferriss proposes the "10 Coffee Challenge," a social experiment designed to push the boundaries of our comfort zones. The premise is straightforward: for the next ten times you order coffee, ask for a 10% discount without providing any reason or explanation. It's an exercise in embracing discomfort and breaking free from the constraints of social norms.

The challenge isn't about the money saved; it's about the invaluable exercise of stepping outside your comfort zone. The potential downside is minimal—either they grant the discount, leaving you with a financial gain, or they decline, and you're no worse off than before. The true challenge lies in the potential embarrassment of making an unconventional request.

This experiment serves as a metaphor for the broader concept of embracing discomfort in our lives. It's a call to shatter the mental cages we unknowingly confine ourselves to—those comfort zones that limit our growth and potential.

As I share this challenge, I'm committing to taking it myself. I'll place a note in my car, a reminder to ask for that 10% discount during my next ten coffee orders. The objective is not merely to save a few dollars but to actively participate in discomfort, acknowledging that growth and success often emerge from such experiences.

This principle extends beyond the coffee shop and directly relates to our appraisal businesses. The appraisal world, like any other field, tends to adhere to conventional practices passed down through generations. However, true innovation and success arise when we challenge these norms and venture beyond the expected.

So, I invite you to join me in the 10 Coffee Challenge, not just for discounted coffee but as a symbolic act of breaking free from the mental cages that confine us. It's time to question, explore, and, most importantly, embrace the discomfort that often precedes profound growth.

As appraisers, let's not be confined by tradition. Instead, let's cultivate a mindset that welcomes discomfort, for it is in those challenging moments that we discover new avenues for success. Step outside the box, break free from the kennel, and watch as your appraisal business transforms beyond the expected.


Check out The Appraiser Coach Podcast for more info on this topic:

804 The 10% Coffee Challenge in Appraisal    VIDEO   AUDIO