I’ve talked many times about the principle of the mastermind. Napoleon Hill, who was one of the first people to talk about it, described it this way: when you get more than 2 people in a room with similar backgrounds, similar needs, and similar goals, then you form an additional entity (paraphrasing). This is the mastermind. It is the power of communication and connection with other people. When you surround yourself with other successful people, you are more likely to be successful yourself. I encourage the mastermind where I can, because it is such a helpful principle.
I recently had a great experience myself with a mastermind. Although I didn’t have very many questions about my business, I had lots of questions about investing. I sat down with our group and had an hour to pick their brains for strategies, contacts, and suggestions. I came out with a whole list of things to do and people to contact, including the reminder “skinny dipping is encouraged” (you had to have been there).
Folks, I cannot express enough the importance of this principle. There are people who are uncertain or wary about sharing their strategies and practices. They feel that sharing this information is somehow detrimental to them, and a danger to their success. Let me tell you right now – they’re wrong. If you have not experienced for yourself the benefits of a good mastermind, get out there and do it! It will be well worth the effort.
Check out The Appraiser Coach Podcast for more info on this topic:
The Power of Surrounding Yourself With Success VIDEO AUDIO