All Episodes
687 Technology to Automate Your Office
One of the three legs of business success is that of Technology. But, what does that mean? How do you use tech to save you time?
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686 The Bookstore Analogy
What do you do when you are just overwhelmed with too much to do? Dustin tells a story from his past that may help you put things into perspective.
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685 Is Sketching Really Necessary?
Hal Humphreys joins us again for an interesting discussion centered around an activity we probably do on nearly every residential assignment; sketching. But, is it necessary? Is it an asset or a liability to the...
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684 Can You Appraise A Foster Care Home?
We sometimes get weird assignments. What do you do when your assignment does not fit the mold? Well, it may come down to a Highest and Best Use study.
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683 Scope of Work and Sketches
What does USPAP say about scope of work? Do the preprinted forms say enough or is supplemental data required? Also, why do we sketch anyway? Tim Andersen, The Appraiser's Advocate, joins us for another Dear USPAP...
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682 Getting Rid of Your Office Phone Number
Let's face it, trying to juggle both a personal and business line on the same phone number is cumbersome at best and unprofessional at worst. Time to separate the two. How do you do that? Dustin shows you today.
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681 Remember Who You Are
As a professional, you will need to deal with things that sometimes go beyond your typical scope of work. Rather than being annoyed by those things, perhaps a different perspective is helpful.
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680 Appraisal Volume Triage
Dustin talks about the incredible amount of work coming to our desk and how to deal with it without losing your good clients.
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679 Owning A Business Other Than An Appraisal Business
Today, Dustin is joined again by Matt Frentheway of Utah. Matt is an appraiser, successful appraisal business owner, turned Franchise Consultant. Dustin talks with Matt about multiple streams of income, why, and how...
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678 How Do You Take Time For Yourself When It is So Damn Busy
Today, Dustin shares a secret to how to live your live despite the busy appraisal world we find ourselves in. You are not gonna wanna miss this one!
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677 Is Appraiser Racial Bias A Problem?
It is gaining legs; this idea that appraisers value properties based on the racial makeup of the home or neighborhood. It is time we get in front of this appraisers.
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676 How Do You Monitor Your Employees
If you have remote workers, it can be hard to know what they are doing. Are they truly earning their keep? Dustin shows two ways to keep pretty good track of what your employees who are working virtually are doing.
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