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698 Who Should Be The Bad Cop in Your Office?
It is inevitable; if you have employees, you have to have some difficult conversations. Who has that responsibility in your office?
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697 New Sketching Technology for Appraisers
There is a lot of talk about new tech coming out for appraisers. Dustin has used a few of them and has some opinions.
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696 Why Does Dustin Always Wear a Blue Shirt?
Either light blue with short sleeves or darker blue with long sleeves, but, unless you see him on the weekends or days off, Dustin always looks the same. There is a reason he is so boring.
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695 What is the Key to Finding and Keeping Good Overseas Employees?
Dustin is big on Virtual Assistants. He has 7 of them currently. But how do you find and keep them?
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695 What is the Key to Finding and Keeping Good Overseas Employees?
Dustin is big on Virtual Assistants. He has 7 of them currently. But how do you find and keep them?
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694 How Should an Appraiser Dress for Appointments?
The question comes up frequently; what is professional dress for an appraiser? Are shorts okay? Flip Flops? Tank Tops? Can your clients tell you how to dress? Dustin gets into it today.
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693 How Do You Monitor Your Employees Remotely
In the remote work environment we live in, how do you make sure your employees are being honest with their work hours? Dustin gives to solutions today.
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692 First Things First
What are you doing with your time, appraisers? Why do you do what you do? How do you get back what you may have lost during this busy time?
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691 Fostering a Great Company Culture Remotely
Having a positive work environment is difficult when you are all in the same room, but how do you do it when you are all working remotely? Here are a few ideas.
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690 Filtering Your Inbox So You Don't See Everything
Email can be so overwhelming. Here is a little trick you can use to not lose anything important, but also still get your sanity back.
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689 Can You Take COD for Lender Appraisals
Can you take a payment at the door for a lending appraisal? Also, what if a lender gives you comps before you do the appraisal? Is that stuff allowed? Tim Andersen, The Appraiser's Advocate, joins us again for...
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688 Getting To Zero Messages in Your Inbox
Many of us are overwhelmed by our inbox. Too many messages to ever get through. What if you could go to sleep each night with Inbox Zero? Dustin does and he shares with you an idea or two today on how to get there.
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