All Episodes
710 What Does Retirement Look Like for Appraisers
Many of us are nearing the time of making some major changes in our day to day. What does that look like for you? Dustin reminds us that, despite our plans to work forever, there will come a time when that is not...
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709 Do You Call The Realtor When The Value Doesn't Support Price
To pick up the phone or not pick up the phone; that is the question. Do you reach out to the agents when the appraised value is not supportive of the contract? Some pros and cons today as we tackle that question
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708 Is Working From Home More Beneficial?
There are some great reasons to work from a brick and mortar office, but what about working from home? Are there more or less benefits from a home office?
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707 Taking Your Employees From 60% Productivity to 80%
What can you do as a boss to get more production from your team? It might be easier than you thought.
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706 Who is in Charge of the Scope of Work?
Do you ever feel pushed around by your clients? Do not make the mistake that other appraisers might make of allowing the client to dictate your work. It is the appraiser who is in charge of and determines the scope...
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705 Stop Training Your Competition
Whenever the topic of trainees comes up, the answer seems to be, "But I don't want to train my competition." What if you could do it in a way that reduces the chances of your trainees becoming your competitors?
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704 Do Hybrids Support The Argument That Original Comp Photos Are Dead
You know how Dustin feels about Comp photos, but is there a new argument for their demise? Hybrids may shed new light on an old question.
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703 What Is Going on With the GSEs and California?
The GSEs are changing the way appraisals are done. Specifically, we are seeing more desktops, bifurcated, and hybrid appraisals. Also, California just made it a whole lot easier to complain about an appraisal. Tim...
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702 Get More Done On a Holiday
Ever noticed how much more you get done in the early mornings, on the weekends, or on a holiday? There is a reason for that, and it may be something you might consider planning for.
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701 Answer The Damn Phone
It is tempting, during this high volume season, to ignore the phones and email. Sometimes we are so busy doing actual appraisal work to want to worry about customer service, but Dustin shares why that may not be the...
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700 Do You Have a Procedure Manual?
What is a Procedure manual. Why would a single person office want a procedure manual? How do you set one up and is it worth it?
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699 Can We Get Rid of AMCs
They can be a pain in the backside, but are they necessary? Can we get rid of AMCs? Do we want to? Is there a purpose for them? Dustin dispels a few myths today.
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