The Appraiser Coach Podcast

The Appraiser Coach Podcast

Hosted by: Dustin Harris

Download our App on GOOGLE PLAY or the APP STORE to listen. Dustin Harris has discovered a way to buck the current trends and be a successful appraiser business owner despite the challenges. He shares his secrets to...

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675 How Do You Know What To Pay Your Employees

Employees are motivated partially through pay. How do you know who is hourly, salary, and commission based? What do you pay them to keep them happy? Dustin breaks it down today.
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674 What A Local Shooting Can Teach Us

Dustin's hometown experienced a tragedy that no community should ever have to experience. A shooting at the local middle school. Perhaps you heard about it. What lessons can be learned from such a tragedy?
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673 Turn Fear Into A Motivation

Fear seems like a negative, but it can be a positive. Taking fear and turning it into positive energy is a practice that can boost your success.
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672 Conclusion to the Principles of Prosperity

Well, we did it. For the past 16 weeks, we have dedicated one day a week to the Principles of Prosperity - or the truths that Dustin uses in his life to find success. Today, we wrap it all up.
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671 The Go Away Fee

If you are overworked and underpaid, you might want to consider implementing the Go Away Fee. What it is? Listen and learn as Dustin shares a go away fee that will blow your mind.
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670 Freedom and Liberty Fertilizes Creativity

Principle of Prosperity #16 is that freedom breeds creativity. When you free up enough noise in your life to think clearly, that is when you find your creative juices are still flowing. It is that creativity which...
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669 How To Find An Appraiser Mentor

I hear if from many want to be appraisers; they cannot find a mentor. They have tried every person on Google and no one is willing to train them. This podcast will change that for you. If you want to become an...
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668 Replication Increases Productivity

Principle of Prosperity #15 is that when you do things over and over again, creating a system will make you more successful. This comes down to creating a procedure manual, creating procedures on those things you do...
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667 The Ten House Challenge

It was written about almost ten years ago, but never have I ever done a podcast on the topic... till now. Welcome to the Ten House Challenge. If you are struggling with change, this practice might make all the...
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666 Velocity Of Money is Exponential

Principle of Prosperity #14 is that when you make money work for you, it works. Do not let money sit. As you invest, that interest can be reinvested and thus the speed money is used as a tool works for you.
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665 You Chose Them

There is a story told of a boy who picks up a persuasive snake who bites him. How unfair! Do we also pick up snakes and then complain about them biting us? We do have a choice you know
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664 Prosperity Comes Through Action

Principle of Prosperity #13 is the difference between those who are successful and those who are not are that those who are successful are not only willing to give it a try, they actually take action. Yes, they will...
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