The Appraiser Coach Podcast

The Appraiser Coach Podcast

Hosted by: Dustin Harris

Download our App on GOOGLE PLAY or the APP STORE to listen. Dustin Harris has discovered a way to buck the current trends and be a successful appraiser business owner despite the challenges. He shares his secrets to...

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782 Creating diversity in the Appraisal profession

There was much talk of the Valuation Expo this week concerning diversity in our profession. How do we create it. Dustin has been putting forth an answer for many years and it was good to hear it from some others.
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781 So You Want To Start An Appraisal Podcast

What does it take to do an appraisal (or any other topic) podcast? What about equipment? Where do you find content? Is it worth it? Dustin breaks it all down.
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780 Cubicasa: What is all the Hype?

By now, you have heard of CubiCasa, but what is it really, and can it be beneficial to appraisers? Jeff Allen, President of CubiCasa is here to answer all of the tough questions about this technology. You can find...
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779 Being Chased By A Man With a Gun for Taking Comp Photos

Mark Skapinetz joins Dustin to talk about a recent, scary encounter with a man and a gun. He also will update the listeners on his progress, why he focuses on private over mortgage work and announces The Contributory...
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778 The Lake and the Bridge Analogy

Sharpen the saw. Get off the bike. It has been called by many names, but the principles are the same. Sometimes you have to slow down to go faster.
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777 The Bias Thing is Really Not That Big of a Deal

Lot's of media attention has been placed on the racial bias issue. But, is it really a big deal and what is an appraiser to do about it? Tim Andersen, The Appraiser's Advocate, is here to discuss that and...
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776 Successful Steps to Get More Private Work

With the market slowing, some appraisers are looking to private work. However, what might have worked in the past, may not work so well today. Dustin shares some surefire methods to building your private appraisal...
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775 The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Approach to the Ultimatum Meeting

Sometimes your hired help just is not working out. Before you let them go, you need to have a sit down meeting with them. It is very important that you take the right approach to that meeting.
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774 Why Is An Office Manager Essential To Success?

The term Office Manager can have many different meanings. Dustin breaks down why it is an umbrella term and why you should consider a great office manager - even in the slow times.
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773 The Sales Used Are The Best Sales Available

Let's talk about statements and things we, as appraisers, might say or do that seem right, but may not be. Mr. Tim Andersen joins us again to talk about things appraisers come up with that may not be the best approach.
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772 One is None

When it comes to tech or human resources, or a number of other important things, remember that if you only have one, your one can become none very quickly.
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771 What To Know Before You Become An Appraiser

There are many individuals who would like to become an appraiser, but where do you start? Macaile Hutt joins Dustin to talk about commonly asked (and answered) questions regarding entering the appraisal field. Here is...
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