All Episodes
770 Cutting Through The Daily Noise
From text messages, to email inboxes to to-do lists (not to mention just living life and interacting with the world), daily noise can be overwhelming. How do you find peace of mind and what systems does Dustin employ...
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769 Now, More Than Ever, You Should Be "Touching" Your Clients
Interest rates have gone up and mortgage applications have gone down. While some appraisers may still be waiting for the fax machine to ring, you shouldn't be. Here are a few things you can do to be an appraiser who...
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768 Finally, an Appraiser of His Word
Closing up a series of podcasts about Dustin's refinance experience and the appraiser from hell, finally some good news. Dustin ended up doing business with an appraiser who did what he said he would do. How refreshing!
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767 How To Survive A Down Market
Appraisers are experiencing the largest slow down in volume since the housing market crash of 2008. What is going on and what should you be doing to survive this change? John Liss, Founder and CEO of True Footage,...
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766 "If Everyone Was Wearing Cowpies On Their Heads..."
It is a phrase my dad used to tell me. I think it has a lot to do with whether or not you are successful as a business owner.
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765 Structuring Your Tech to Get Ready To Hire
Before you hire someone to help in your appraisal business, make sure you set up the right technology in the right way to accommodate them and succeed with them.
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764 Can You Be Close-nit as a Long-Distance Office?
It is hard working from home. Can you really stay connected as an office if you are not in the same workspace?
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763 "Based on my 30 Years of Experience As An Appraiser..."
Helpful hint: If you are before the state board and are asked how you came up with that adjustment, do not say this. What can you do, however, to get to where you feel like your adjustments are supported?
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762 Those Damn Email Notifications
Inevitably, they are going off all day long. But how do you get away from them without losing business?
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761 How Do You Know If You Can Afford To Hire Someone
Most appraisers get it when it comes to the principle of delegation. But, are you stuck in a rut because it feels like you can't afford to hire? Let's talk about how to get out of that hole and on to success.
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760 In a World of Apples, Be An Orange
Though people are comfortable with consistency, we are drawn to unusual things. When you are searching for that perfect employee, stand out above the crowd.
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759 Everybody is Different
We tend to think others think like and are drawn toward the same things as us. But, that is just not true. Get to know your people so you can get them in the right seats.
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