The Appraiser Coach Podcast

The Appraiser Coach Podcast

Hosted by: Dustin Harris

Download our App on GOOGLE PLAY or the APP STORE to listen. Dustin Harris has discovered a way to buck the current trends and be a successful appraiser business owner despite the challenges. He shares his secrets to...

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794 Repurposing Data

Our time and money is precious. What can we do to repurpose our time, repurpose our money, repurpose our data?
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793 Should you be Looking for Other Work during a Slow Down?

You should constantly be looking for other valuation products that you can offer, but should you look outside the appraisal industry for work during this slow down?
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792 The way Transcendental Meditation has changed Dustinā€™s Life

TM. What is it? How will it make you a better appraiser, better business owner, and better person?
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791 Should you be Hiring during a Slow Down

Many of us have seen a slow down in volume. You were considering hiring someone before the slow down, but is that still a good idea?
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790 Iā€™m Not Going to Make it Into Work Today

What do you do with an employee with a poor attitude? There are some things that just warrant letting them go, but other things you might just want to chalk up to interesting information that may come in handy later.
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789 Writing a Letter To Yourself?

What possible reason would one have for writing a letter that will only be seen by one person; you? Well, it is success principles like this and others that make Rob Bodkin the successful business owner and person...
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788 The Double Click Tip

If you are using TOTAL for Mobile, and you should be, hereā€™s a tip that will make you even more efficient in the field. Dustin shares a tip that allows you to label the photos without any typing.
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787 Tax Planning in September?

Many of us wait until April 14 to even think about taxes, but the time to plan ahead is the last quarter of the previous year. Now is the time to get your books and business in order so that you can be prepared for...
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786 How are you weathering the slow down?

Many of us have experienced a bit of a slow down the last few months. Listen as Dustin tells us about one mastermind student who is only getting busier. What is the secret? Attachments area
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785 Bulletproofing Your Appraisal Business

You have heard of bulletproofing your reports, but can you do the same thing with your appraisal business? Jim Stafford joins Dustin again this week to break down some of the things you should be doing to make sure...
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784 Getting to your Goals Sometimes Requires Major Sacrifice

Goals are never easy. At least, goals that are worth it requires sacrifice. Dustin tells about a recent major decision he made in order to accomplish his biggest goal.
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783 The HARD and the EASY way

Jim Stafford joins Dustin to talk about two acronyms HARD and EASY. There is a hard way to run your appraisal business and, of course, an EASY way. These acronyms will make it easier to put in place the processes...
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