All Episodes
806 Pick a Rabbit and Shoot it Already
For those appraisers who think their opportunities for success have diminished lately, please listen to this episode. The opportunities for success within the valuation world and outside it have only multiplied.
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805 What is Your Worst Case Scenario or WCS
Sometimes asking the question, "What if?" can be the most powerful question you could ask.
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804 The 10% Coffee Challenge in Appraisal
Tim Ferriss gives the 10% Coffee Challenge to help people get out of their comfort zone. How can that change the success of your appraisal business?
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803 Is College Really Necessary for Appraisers?
Some states and some license levels require a college (or equivalent) education. Is that really necessary? How does Dustin feel about his own college experience?
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802 What OINII Time Will Do For Your Business
Many of us have slowed down. There is really no excuse for not working on your business and it is the very thing that will keep you busy
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801 What Ever Happened to the Departure Rule and What About PAREA?
Tim Andersen, The Appraiser's Advocate, joins us to talk about the three approaches to value. Are we required to consider all three? What is the Departure Rule? Also, let's talk PAREA. How will that change our industry?
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800 The Machine Has Slowed; Time to Fix the Belts
What do you do when the market slows down a bit? Well, you can spend time marketing (and you should), but you should also take some time to fix your systems.
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799 Archery Companies Don't Use Loudspeakers to Advertise
Many appraisers are looking for non-lender work, but where do you go to get it? Dustin uses an analogy to help you target the right audiences.
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798 Where Are Your Personal Boundaries
Being self-employed, it can be easy to forget about your boundaries and end up spending way too much of your life at work. Dustin shares an analogy or two and why we should all protect our personal time.
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797 What Should Be In Your Workfile?
Tim Andersen, The Appraiser's Advocate, joins Dustin to talk about what he sees (and doesn't see) in appraiser's workfiles that may need improvement. How do you "beef up" your workfile? They also hit on the increase...
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796 Three Helpful Tips for Total Users
We don't know what we don't know. Here are three, time saving tips in a la mode Total you may not already know about.
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795 Real People Who Are Actually Up In Lender Volume
Appraisal volume as slowed, right? Not so fast. Dustin give three real-life examples of appraisers who are busier now than they were last year.
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