
Wealth and Why successful-volume-appraisal-business Jun 22, 2021

I love having the opportunity to get involved with other appraisers and to assist them in moving their businesses to the next level.  I’ve been doing a lot of one-on-one coaching recently and a common theme in many sessions is a lack of foundation to start from.  Specifically,...

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The Importance of Taking a Break successful-volume-appraisal-business Mar 16, 2021

Many of us throw ourselves into our work because we love it. We love it so much we forget to take regular breaks, but it’s such an important thing to do. I’m a fan of “Work hard, play hard.” Working is great, but we need to play sometimes too. 

Why did you get into...

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The Richest Appraiser in Babylon successful-volume-appraisal-business Jan 19, 2021

If you’ve not read “The Richest Man In Babylon” by George S. Clason, stop reading this blog right now, get on Amazon, and order a copy of it immediately.  Order the book and leave it next to your bed so you read it last thing at night.  Order the Audible version of it...

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You Know Don Quijote is Nuts, Right? successful-volume-appraisal-business Dec 15, 2020

I am not a book snob.  I’m not even a real big reader, especially of the Classics, which I find way too deep and hard to understand.  I’m OK with light fiction, but Shakespeare is just too hard to get through.  Now, that said, I deeply love Miguel de Certantes’...

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Overcome Your Fears successful-volume-appraisal-business Nov 12, 2020

I hate going to the gym, but I do go, since it helps me in so many ways.  Usually, I do three sets of whatever exercise at 10 reps each. However, just to make sure I'm covered, sometimes I'll do 11 reps.   I don't want to miscount (yes, I’m a bit OCD). To psych myself out to reach...

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How To Be Mortgage Free successful-volume-appraisal-business Sep 22, 2020

This blog is, frankly, more oriented toward your personal life, rather than toward real estate appraisal, per se.  So, cut me a little slack here.  And yes, The Appraiser Coach coaches in all aspects of life, not just in the professional lives of appraisers.

Since we like to receive...

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