There’s been a lot of talk recently about desktop appraisals. Everyone has their opinion, and there are many who are not in favor of this new development. I don’t know any more than you do about where things are headed, but from what I do know, and from connecting the dots, I think it’s that desktop appraisals will become more (not less) popular.. I think that’s the direction we’re headed. I could be wrong. But I don’t think I am.
Now as I’ve already stated, there are those who are not on board with this move toward desktop appraisals. I recently heard an appraiser say, “I’d rather scoop ice cream than do desktop appraisals.” I don’t mean to come across as harsh; I say this because I am passionate in the message I’m trying to get across. But if you’d rather scoop ice cream than do desktop appraisals, then go scoop ice cream! If you don’t like what you’re doing right now, go find something different that you do enjoy.
That is not to say you must do desktops to continue in appraisal. In fact, I am trying to covey the exact opposite of that message. The point is simple; you have options both inside and outside the valuation profession.
It can be so easy for us sometimes to feel trapped. We get stuck in a rut and feel like there’s no way out, no other options than for us to just continue where we are. Folks, that just isn’t true. You have options. I know of an appraiser that I worked with that ended up quitting appraising and starting up a coffee shop. I haven’t followed up with them since then to see how it’s going, but I know that it did well at the beginning, at least. So if you don’t like where you are right now; if you want to go out and do something else, go do it! It’s never too late, no matter how old you are, or how deep you are in the world of appraising. There’s always another option.
Check out The Appraiser Coach Podcast for more info on this topic:
726: I Would Rather Scoop Ice Cream than do Desktop Appraisals: VIDEO AUDIO