I remember a time when I was working insane hours every week as I simply tried to make ends meet as an appraiser. I was stressed and frustrated, and I even began to dislike appraising. I was burned out. I know many of you are currently disheartened and feel the same frustration.
Over time I have learned principles within the specific areas of human resources, technology, and policies that have allowed me to improve my life both in and out of the office. It is now extremely rare if I am working later than five in the evenings, and I do not work on Fridays or on the weekends. However, I am actually more successful in my business now than I ever was in the past.
Additionally, my life outside of work has improved significantly. I now have time to spend with my family, work on improving myself, and simply have fun. My relationships have deepened, and I find myself feeling happier and more fulfilled
I have learned how to work smarter and my business as well as my personal life has greatly benefited from it. While I do not work nearly as many hours as I used to, my business has improved because I have implemented principles that I now am trying to pass on to others so they can reap similar benefits. The good news is, anyone can do the same thing. How do I know? Because I have seen it over and over and over again. Those who are willing to admit that something is wrong and commit to making it better can and do just that. Remember, it is not about the work. It is what the work can create in your life.
For more information on this subject, please listen to The Appraiser Coach Podcast Episode: