While getting ready for a big trip with my wife, I found myself in my home office working some odd hours. I was in the zone, cruising through my to-do list, and I felt good about everything that I was getting done. At one point during my work, my 12-year-old son came to me and said, “Dad, do you want to go play some ping-pong?” Every parent understands this moment; we’ve all experienced it at some point. I was in the zone! His feelings really wouldn’t have been that hurt if I’d said no. But it only took me a moment before I said, “Sure, I’ll come play a few rounds of ping-pong.”
Why do I tell you this story? Because I want to teach this principle: sometimes we have to set aside the things that seem urgent for those things that are more important. I could have told my son that I would come play later, or that now wasn’t a good time. After all, I had a lot to get done before I left, and I was cruising! But in that moment, spending an hour with my son around the ping-pong table was more important than finishing a few tasks. No matter how pressing some of the things you’re doing are, it is more important for you to make sure that you are making plans for the future.
We’ve all been experiencing a lot of volume the last couple years. I’ve had many record-breaking months during that time. Sometimes it can feel like we’re barely keeping up with the work that we already have; like we don’t have time to take that next step with our business. But let me tell you, you’ll regret not doing it if you wait. Take the time now – today – to look to the future. Make sure your focus is on those things of true importance, not just the urgent (but fleeting) things of the moment.
For more information on this subject, please listen to The Appraiser Coach Podcast Episode:
Is Your Focus Where It Need To Be?