The Covid-19 pandemic has changed a lot about our lives and the way we conduct our businesses. Some things may never again be the same again. As a result of the lockdowns, we had to turn to conducting our businesses remotely, and many of us have continued to do so even now. While working remotely has many potential benefits, it also presents many unique challenges. I would like to address one such challenge today: how do you track your employees’ time?
There are those who may argue whether or not it’s my business what my employees are doing while on the clock. I like to make the case that it is absolutely my business what my employees are doing on my time. If they’re using my time to do their laundry or scroll through Facebook or Instagram, they are, in effect, stealing from me. I’m not paying them to do those things; I’m paying them to contribute to my business and participate in an effective and efficient work environment. Thus, if I want to make sure that my money is going toward actual work for my business, I need to be able to track my employees’ activity.
When it comes to tracking employees’ time, there are some things you can’t do in a remote setting. You can’t just turn around and look at their screen like you would in an office; they’re nowhere near you. You also can’t install spyware on their home computer. However, you can install such software on your own computer. I use a software called ActivTrak. When they come to work, my employees log on to my server, and from there I’m able to track their activity.
One of the most important things to do if you’re tracking your employees is to let them know that you’re doing it. The reasons for this go beyond common courtesy (although there’s a lot to be said for that). In my experience, knowing that you’re watching their activity motivates your employees to do a good job!
In our new world of remote learning, I think you should strongly consider finding ways to track your employee’s activity is you’re paying them by the hour. As their employer, it is your prerogative to know how they’re using your time. As long as this is done in an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect, it can be a great asset to your business.
Check out The Appraiser Coach Podcast for more info on this topic: