Readers of my blog know I am not a big Las Vegas fan. I end up there 3-4 times per year, but it is not my favorite city in the world. It is fun the first few times, but after that it gets a bit old. Needless to say, do not let my opinion of ‘Sin City’ dissuade you from attending the 2014 Appraisal Summit in November.
Every year, the Columbia Institute puts on a great conference full of interesting vendors, exciting speakers, and great networking opportunities. It is a highlight of my year. Every time I attend one of these conferences, I meet interesting people and I always come away having learned a great deal.
The Columbia Institute’s conference is a very ‘boots on the ground’ type environment. There are lots of appraisers from all over the country and the social aspect is a lot of fun. I will be speaking again this year and I would love to see you all out. Oh, did I mention there is CE credit available as well?
If you are interested in the 2014 Appraisal Summit in Las Vegas,
CLICK HERE to register or for more information.
Dustin Harris, Creating ‘Value’ for Real Estate Appraisers
For more information on this subject, please listen to The Appraiser Coach Podcast Episode: