Mobile Appraising

technology-mobile-website-socialmedia-appraising Dec 17, 2019

Switching to a laser measurer for appraising was one of the best business decisions I ever made. I have saved countless hours of time and frustration in my home observations. A laser measurer allows me to measure a home in less than half the time that a tape measure would take. If you are not yet currently using a laser measurer, I highly suggest you look into it. This tool can transform the way you appraise.

There is not a home that cannot be measured by a laser. When measuring, you always have multiple techniques built into the device that are at your disposal. Although it is rare, there are times when I cannot find something to bounce my laser off of, but due to the advanced technology found in many laser measurers, there are many other options for finding the dimensions of the home. If you want to know more about these options, I strongly suggest you check out my Mobile Appraising Workshop on my website where I demonstrate the multiple techniques for measuring a home with a laser.   

Now, I understand that there will likely be a learning curve when it comes to switching to a laser measurer. It can be a difficult and slightly intimidating adjustment, but I can promise you that once you start using one, you will wonder why you ever used anything else.

For more information on this subject, please listen to The Appraiser Coach Podcast Episode:

A Few Laser Measuring Tips