There are several appraisers I look up to scattered around this vast profession. One of them is Tom Horn. Tom writes and posts a regular blog in Alabama that all appraisers should envy (and emulate). As a follow up to a recent Appraiser Coach Podcast episode I did on conceal carry, Tom wrote an outstanding piece. You can find it here:
I encourage you all to read it and comment. Also, I am looking for a follow up to that particular episode. If any of you have objections to an appraiser carrying a gun as part of his/her appraisal toolkit, I would love to hear from you. I promise it will be respectful for anyone who is willing to give a contrary position. We can even keep you anonymous if you wish.
For more information on this subject, please listen to The Appraiser Coach Podcast Episode:
Do You Have a Right to Carry a Gun Into Someone Else's Home? (Audio)