All Episodes
944 Four Choices In a Slow Market
Most appraisers are still struggling to get volume. Some are contemplating leaving, but is that the only choice? Dustin lays out 4 options for appraisers who are slow.
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936 VIP Mastermind in Paradise Recap
In January of 2024, Dustin held the first ever VIP Mastermind in Paradise on the Island of Kauai. Here is a quick rundown of what went on and a little peek into next year.
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935 Data Science and How To Read It
Brent Bowen joins us to talk about stats, numbers, data-science, and what it all means. What is it an appraiser actually does? How do we support the adjustments we use? Brent explains it on a level we can all...
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934 What Are You Giving?
When times are lean, what can we get can be all we can think of. But, maybe now - more than ever - we should be thinking about what we can give.
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933 What if We Combined PAREA and the Current Trainee Model?
Many appraisers are upset with PAREA, but what if we took a page from the pathway to become an electrician and combined mentorship with PAREA? I think the idea has many benefits.
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932 More Banned Words and Why I Don't Care
Fannie Continues to send out letters to appraisers warning them about banned words. Dustin explains why he doesn't feel the same way many appraisers seem to feel about it.
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931 Dustin Kinda Responds To the Negative Nellies
Dustin does not typically respond to negative comments, but he could not help himself this time. He wrote an article for the Buzz in October of 2023 called "Are Appraisers Actually Making More This Year" and as you...
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930 Did True Footage Fire Dustin?
The short answer is, Yes. Check out this minisode to find out why and what is next for The Appraiser Coach.
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929 What is an Arm's Length Transaction and Why is it So Divisive?
Ā Scott Bacnkiewicz joins us to share some research he did on arm's length vs non-arm's length transactions. He shares some information on what they are and why appraisers have such strong opinions on the matter. ...
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928 The Appraiser Coach Has a New Website
Much easier to navigate and much easier to understand. The Appraiser Coach has a new website. Check it out at www.theappraisercoach.com
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927 Can A Client Give A Copy Of Your Report To A Third Party?
Mr. Tim Andersen is here again to help us answer the question, "where did you get a copy of my report, and is that even legal?" He also helps us with the question of how far can a client go in telling you how to do...
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926 It's Okay If You Need or Want to Leave
Appraisers are describing this as one of the worst economic times ever. Some are talking about leaving the industry. Dustin's response to this might surprise you.
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