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948 Is Using Overseas VAs a Confidentiality Breach?
When you use a Virtual Assistant in the Philippines or somewhere else, have you violated the confidentiality part of the Ethics Rule in USPAP?
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947 Behind the Scenes On Fannie Mae Complaints
In the latest edition of WorkingRE Magazine, there is a great article called Inside Access To Fannie Mae's Complaint Process. The publisher of WorkingRE and author of the article joins Dustin for a deep-dive into how...
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946 Report After Speaking To Realtors
Dustin just finished speaking to agents at a local office. Be a fly on the wall as you hear what questions he got asked.
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945 An Update on PAREA
We first heard of this new path for becoming a real estate appraiser in 2020. Here we are going on four years later. What is happening to PAREA? Is it still a thing? Are any states adopting it. Has anyone gone...
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944b How Prevalent Are Current Appraisal Waivers?
Appraisers seem to worry about whether or not they will have a job in the future and one of the contributing factors is appraisal waivers. But, how prevalent are they? We seem to be in a slow down, but is that because...
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943 NAR Settlement: A Major Opportunity For Appraisers
Agents are losing their minds over this new NAR settlement regarding buyer agent commissions. What does this mean for appraisers? Dustin shares how this can be a huge opportunity for marketing their services as an...
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942 Can Part-time Appraisers Be Professionals?
Is there a difference in appraisers who work part-time vs full-time? Some believe that part-timers are not true professionals? What do you think?
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941 Who Moved My Cheese?
The world of appraisal is ever changing, but what are you doing about the transitions? Chris Posey from Chicago is a voice for change and a voice for the positive. He joins Dustin today to talk about his success.
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940 What Is the Best Laser for Appraisers in 2024?
There are so many choices for laser measuring devices these days. What is an appraiser to do? Which one is the best value for the money? Dustin has taken the guesswork out and shows you the current, best value laser...
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939 Doubling Private Appraisal Work in a Year
Today we have 10 year Mastermind Veteran, Brianne on the program to talk private appraisal work. She doubled her private volume in a year. Today, she talks about how she did it.
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938 You Are Allowed To Be Blue
It is okay to have a bad day or a bad couple of days. Appraisers are struggling right now, but there you can choose how you feel.
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937 Is a Rent Schedule an Appraisal?
Tim Andersen, The Appraiser's Advocate, joins Dustin again to take two questions in another Ask The USPAP Expert episode to tackle this question and another; can a final be passed off if it is not 100% finished?
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