All Episodes
996 My Experience in a Fully Autonomous Vehicle
Dustin was the passenger recently in a fully autonomous car (an unlocked Tesla). He tell what it was like and what the future may hold for appraisers.
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995 Realtors are Not the Enemy
Brad Bassi joins Dustin to talk about the Sitzer-Burnett decision and how the NAR settlement can be an opportunity for appraisers. We, as appraisers, often see real estate agents as those to be avoided, but is there...
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994 Why Do You Grow A Company?
Sometimes I think we lose site of the Why behind the business. Dustin reminds us all to step back when we get overwhelmed and remember why we are doing this in the first place.
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993 How To Embrace AI, but Maintain The Public Trust
Dustin has a skeptical guest, Keith Trahern, on to discuss AI, ChatGPT, and the future of appraisal. How do we utilize this powerful technology, but still maintain the public trust?
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992 Choosing An Appraisal Company Name
It is not a simple task; choosing a name for your appraisal company. Consider factors such as first impression, marketing, and URL availability.
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991 Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping Appraisal
AI is not just a fad. Jim Amorim literally wrote the book on it and he joins Dustin to talk about The Generative Shift: Preparing Appraisers for Artificial Intelligence Models Like ChatGPT.
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990 What is a Bob Call?
Dustin is a huge advocate of role playing for front office training. He calls them Bob Calls and here is a little bit about how they work.
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989 A Follow Up To The Episode of the 30 Min Appraisal
Dustin addresses critics of episode 955.
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988 Today I Drank Coffee In the Dark
On a whim, I had my morning coffee in my office without the lights on. Several lessons were taught through the experience.
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987 The AMC Is Telling Me What To Do Again
We are joined today by our friend Tim Andersen as we discuss what to do when the client tries to step into the role of appraiser
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986 I Accidentally Left My Laptop At Work
Quick Minisode to remind us that there is more to life than appraisal.
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985 Is PAREA a Good Thing for Appraiser Mentors?
Many appraisers are feeling like PAREA is taking over their ability to train. However, could the opposite be true? Due to the high cost and time commitment of PAREA, could that give some appraisers a leg up on...
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