The Appraiser Coach Podcast

The Appraiser Coach Podcast

Hosted by: Dustin Harris

Download our App on GOOGLE PLAY or the APP STORE to listen. Dustin Harris has discovered a way to buck the current trends and be a successful appraiser business owner despite the challenges. He shares his secrets to...

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1010 Why Capitalism

There are many countries and as many ways of doing business. In this episode, Dustin talks about his recent discussion with a person from Norway and why Capitalism still seems to be the best way to succeed when it...
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1009 Appraisers Have More Power As a Trainee Than a Certified Appraiser

There is a dichotomy in the appraisal world where, in some cases, a trainee is allowed more freedom to do things than as a fully certified appraiser. If we have "a shortage of appraisers," as they have said, why don't...
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1008 Is ChatGPT Lying To You?

There are many critics when it comes to using ChatGPT in general, but specifically for appraisal work. Is it returning incorrect information? Should we even be using it?
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1007 Dustin Is Bullish On Bitcoin

What does Bitcoin have to do with appraisers? Well, if you are interested in your future, you will not want to miss this episode.
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1006 How To Respond To A 1 Star Google Review

It is inevitable; if you are on Google, you will eventually end up with a less-than-desirable review from a jilted client. How do you respond? Dustin gives two potential solutions to this dilemma.
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1005 What do you want to be when you grow up?

If you do not know where you are going with your life or business, you cannot possibly map out a path to get there. Decide now where you are going and start to make inroads to get there.
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1004 Unboxing and Reviewing the Leica Disto D2 Laser

There is a super cheapĀ DistoĀ on the market. Is it the best value for appraisers? Dustin does a full review and gives some helpful tips and tricks to using it.
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1003 Be Vulnerable

Those who are willing to be honest and vulnerable in their stories are also the ones who are able to get to the level of success they are looking for faster.
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1002 I Am Not An Appraisal Coach

Dustin takes some time to share what he is and what he is not. There is a fine line between an appraisal coach and an appraiser coach, but it is an important distinction.
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1001 AMCs Are Not Trying To Get The Lowest Fee Appraiser

In response to comments made on his YouTube channel, Dustin addresses how the AMC process really works. Knowing this can change the way you deal with them.
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1000 The 1,000th Episode With Secret Guest

It's the 1000th episode of The Appraiser Coach Podcast. To celebrate, "Bill Johnson" has finally agreed to join Dustin as a guest. Watch and learn what makes Dustin's nemesis tick.
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999 Should a Cost and Income Approach Be Done Every Time?

Friend of the program, Tim Andersen joins Dustin for this question and another question on can you transfer an appraisal from Lender A to Lender B and remain USPAP compliant?
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