The Appraiser Coach Podcast

The Appraiser Coach Podcast

Hosted by: Dustin Harris

Download our App on GOOGLE PLAY or the APP STORE to listen. Dustin Harris has discovered a way to buck the current trends and be a successful appraiser business owner despite the challenges. He shares his secrets to...

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841 Mixing Lender, Commercial and Private Appraisal Work

Ernie Ramos of Advanced Appraisal Associates, INC in Chicago joins Dustin to talk about diversification. Ernie has set up a successful appraisal business doing a variety of products and it has been good to him in the...
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840 Understanding the Profit Side of a P & L Statement

Dustin's favorite part of the P&L is the profit side. That is where production takes place, but it is not just about understanding what the Profit is; it is also about understanding the details of such analysis.
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839 How Do You Define Rural, Urban, and Suburban?

Tim Andersen is back. In part of the Dear USPAP Instructor series, Tim answers the question about neighborhood definitions and even delves into mineral rights.
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838 What Do You Do When The Fire Alarm Rings?

Normalcy Bias; it keeps us from moving when the fire alarm goes off and it keeps us from building our business when things are slow.
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837 Being a Woman in the Appraisal Profession

It is Women's History Month. Today, Dustin interviews two, veteran appraisers who happen to be female. What has their experience been in a world dominated by men?
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836 There Is No Such Thing As Slow Times

Many appraisers are feeling it; the market has slowed down. However, a successful business owner never slows down. What to do when the market is slow is today's topic.
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835 Oh Crap, Here Comes The Slowdown!

In 2022, interest rates went up considerably. That has caused a slowdown in the mortgage industry (and in return, the appraisal profession). Many appraisers are now scrambling and trying to figure out how they pay...
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834 Making Money While You Are Snorkeling In Hawaii

It is not only possible to make money while you are on vacation, it is probable when you follow the principles of success.
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833 Dig Your Well While You Are Thirsty

You have heard the axiom "dig your well before you are thirsty," but is it too late? Nope. We are in a low volume appraisal era, but it is not too late to dig your well while you are thirsty.
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832 Finding a Place to Land

There is a lot of doom and gloom in the appraisal industry currently. One of the exercises that Dustin does in a time like this is to employ a tactic used by pilots. Listen as Dustin makes the analogy so you can use...
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831 How To Be A Happy Appraiser

We cannot help what is going on in the appraisal market right now, but we can help how we react to it. Dustin shares a timeless recipe for being a positive person.
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830 A "Go Create Some Value" comeback

It is a phrase Dustin used to use quite a bit, but it kinda went by the wayside. Well, it is making a comeback which also brings some criticism. Listen in while Dustin explains why the catchphrase and what it...
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