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853 Myths About ChatGPT That Make It Scary For Appraisers
Dustin recently wrote an article for the Appraisal Buzz (https://appraisalbuzz.com/real-prompts-for-chatgpt-for-appraisal-reports/) about Chat GPT and how it can be a tool to assist appraisers in their appraisal work...
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852 I No Longer Carry a Ladder
With the recent changes to the HUD requirements for appraisers, I removed my ladder from my vehicle - never to return.
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851 There is One in Every Group
Dustin just got back from three Mastermind meetings. He noticed there is one person in every group who is still very successful. Despite the high interest rates, appraisers can still make money. Why? Dustin gives the...
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850 I Am Not Surprised, Fannie Mae
Recently Fannie announced that she is moving away from the traditional model of appraisal on nearly every loan closed. Dustin talks about why this 'announcement' is no surprise to those appraisers paying attention.
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849 Is Tidewater a Violation of USPAP?
Tim Andersen joins Dustin for another Dear USPAP Instructor to discuss Tidewater and what counts toward trainee experience.
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848 What is ChatGPT and How Can Appraisers Utilize It?
Artificial Intelligence is changing the world and the appraisal industry. What is this Chat GPT thing everyone is talking about?
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847 Addressing the Critics
There have been some questions and criticisms of Dustin Harris, The Appraiser Coach, on social media and his blog. Dustin takes the time to address some of those concerns (including the lovely - and fake - Bill...
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846 Are You There To Create or Solve Problems?
Dustin had two experiences lately that taught the value of customer service.
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845 "You Will Never Make It In This Profession"
Dana Schau joins us again to share her experience, as a woman, getting into the appraisal profession. She also shares more about her move from Michigan to North Dakota and what a rural appraiser deals with.
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844 I Cannot Live Without Heated Seats
Part of understanding the loss side of the profit and loss statement is understanding what you can and cannot live without.
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843 How Is Chat GPT Changing The Appraisal Industry?
If you have not yet heard of Chat GPT, stay tuned. If you have heard of it and used it a little, but are curious as to how Artificial Intelligence is changing the valuation world, this episode is for you. Dustin...
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842 Understanding the L Side of the P & L Statement
In slow times, it is important to look at our business losses and decide what can stay, what needs to go, and what needs to be adjusted. Dustin helps you dig into your P&L and know what and where to make changes.
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