The Appraiser Coach Podcast

The Appraiser Coach Podcast

Hosted by: Dustin Harris

Download our App on GOOGLE PLAY or the APP STORE to listen. Dustin Harris has discovered a way to buck the current trends and be a successful appraiser business owner despite the challenges. He shares his secrets to...

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901 One Realtor/Appraiser's Advice to Fellow Appraisers

Sometimes the divide between appraisers and Realtors can be wide. Tanner Hoss, broker and appraiser in Southern California, has some wonderful advice for any appraiser who is interested in strengthening their...
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900 The Freedom of Being Location Independent

It has been a goal of Dustin's for just about 4 years and a year ago he achieved it. How has his life changed since becoming fully location-independent?
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899 What To Do When You Get Subpoenaed?

It can be scary to get 'served.' What do you do next? Are you required to show up at court? Do they have to pay you for your testimony? Some surprising answers and advice on today's episode.
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898 Difference Between an Assembly Line and a Procedure Manual

Two tools that Dustin is constantly using and referring to in his coaching are the assembly line and the procedure manual. These are often mixed up or conflated, but they are two, distinct tools with a relationship...
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897 Flat Fees Vs Percentages Vs Hourly For Trainees

So, you have decided to hire a trainee, but what to pay them (if to pay them at all). Dustin discusses the various models and gives some advice on how to choose one for you.
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896 A Full Day of OINII?

Dustin has been preaching working On the Business Not In the Business for years. He does it weekly, but recently took an entire day of OINII time.
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895 Is a Tenant Landlord A Non-Arm's Length Transaction?

Dear USPAP Instructor brings us Mr. Tim Andersen answering two questions; is a sale between a landlord and a tenant considered non-arm's length and can you use sales from a state you are not licenced in?
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894 There Have Been Some Changes in the Virtual Assistant World

Can you hire a qualified individual overseas for $2 an hour? Probably not anymore. Dustin talks about changes in the VA world.
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893 You Got How Much For That Appraisal!?!?!?!

Sometimes we get in our own way when it comes to fees. We think we know what is acceptable and we sell ourselves short.
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892 What If You Could Learn One, New, Good Idea A Day?

Some have asked why Dustin spends an average of an hour a day on Chat GPT. The answer is in what he gains from the effort.
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891 With Modernization In the Industry How Does an Appraiser Modernize?

We talk about modernization (change) within the valuation industry, but how can a local appraiser keep up? How can we remain relevant and continue to make money as professionals? Joshua Walitt ( is here to...
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890 You Cannot Have a Trainee Just "To Give Back"

Giving back to the profession can be a part of why you bring on a trainee, but it cannot be the only reason you do
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