All Episodes
972 Should Appraisers Talk Religion and Politics on Social Media?
It can be tempting to share your opinions for all the world to see, but is it smart as a business owner to do so? Dustin discusses.
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971 Is 60/40 a Good Appraiser Split?
When you take on a trainee or another appraiser, how do you pay them? What is fair? The answer is a bit complicated, but Dustin makes it simple.
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970 Mindset Matters
They say that attitude is 90% and circumstances are 10%. Regardless of the percentage, there is no doubt that the way you choose to look at things matters.
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969 Should You Pay for SEO on Your Website?
It is not enough to have an interesting, informative, and aesthetically pleasing website. You need to get it in front of your potential customers. But should you pay for SEO or can you do it yourself?
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968 Are There Roots Growing in Your Garden?
A recent experience with invasive roots in Dustin's garden reminds us of an important life lesson.
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967 Ways to Report and Adjust When ANSI Gets In the Way
ANSI standards are pretty clear, but what is not clear is how that affects our reporting and adjusting. Dustin gives a few ideas of what some appraisers are doing when ANSI does not match MLS.
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966 Before You Comment - Listen To the Podcast
Dustin recently got an all CAPS email on one of his podcasts. Problem is, the guy never listened to the episode.
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965 Find Work That is Rewarding
Dustin recently started a new venture - a visitor friendly hobby farm. Though it was a lot of hard work, it also came with a lot of reward and lessons learned.
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964 Clean Up Your Environment
When we get busy, the small things seem to be pushed to the side. However, paying attention to the cleanliness and order of things around us can make a huge difference in our productivity.
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963 Fire Really Fast
Dustin has always been an advocate of "Hire Slow; Fire Fast," but recently he fired an employee after 79 hours. Does that even give someone enough time for an honest evaluation?
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962 It's Okay To Be Out of Balance Temporarily
A recent experience on a ladder reminds us that life gets a little tipsy-turvy once in a while. That is okay as long as it is not the norm.
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961 The NAR Settlement And What Appraisers Need to Know
Isaac Peck (WorkingRE Magazine) joins Dustin to talk about the NAR Settlement and what is means for appraisers.
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