The Appraiser Coach Podcast

The Appraiser Coach Podcast

Hosted by: Dustin Harris

Download our App on GOOGLE PLAY or the APP STORE to listen. Dustin Harris has discovered a way to buck the current trends and be a successful appraiser business owner despite the challenges. He shares his secrets to...

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746 Opportunity Cost

Conscious or subconscious, we deal with the decisions of opportunity cost every day. How does it affect your appraisal business and, ultimately, the money you make? Dustin explores it today.
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745 Things Appraisers Think They Know About USPAP, but Are Really Crap

Many appraisers point to USPAP as to why they can or cannot do things, but many of those things are simply myths. Tim Andersen, The Appraiser's Advocate, is back to dispel 7 of those myths.
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744 Like Never Before, The World is Your Oyster As an Appraiser

We have seen change before, but nothing like we are seeing currently. It can be scary, but change brings new opportunities.
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743 Spark and Synapse Have a Big Announcement!

Brandon Reich is a returning guest and a friend of the program. His products Spark and now Synapse have blessed appraisers lives for a long time. They may appraiser's jobs easier. Today, Brandon joins Dustin with an...
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742 The Second Most Key to Success

What is the next important principle to your business success? Dustin reveals it today and gets a little vulnerable.
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741 Can I Remain Independent As a Coach If I Work For Your Competitor?

It is a good question. Has the change to True Footage compromised Dustin's ability to remain unbiased?
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740 The Real Key To Success

We talk about a lot of success principles here, but what is the most important? Dustin reveals it today and shares an example or two.
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739 What is New with a la mode (including desktops, hybrids, and the new 'forms')?

It has been a while since Joel Baker of a la mode, Inc. joined us, but he does today. What is new and exciting in the world of appraisal software? What about the desktops and hybrids coming our way and how do the new...
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738 The Power of Surrounding Yourself With Success

Much of the success Dustin has had over the years has come about from Mastermind groups and others who have given him great ideas.
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737 An Appraisal Scheduling Trick That Might Just Make Your Life Easier

Scheduling for the appraisal inspection can be a challenge. When is the best time? Does it work for the borrower and for you? Are you going to be driving all over the place and how do you show up on time? This one...
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736 Are You Trading Time For Money?

In a recent Mastermind Dustin was involved in, he saw a non-appraiser dealing with the same issues that appraisers deal with. The old problem of feeling like you need to do everything yourself.
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735 Is the Cost Approach Applicable in Older Homes, Site Value, and Effective Age

It's another Dear USPAP Expert episode with Mr. Tim Andersen (the Appraiser's Advocate). Here are some of the common questions we get on how to appraise.
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