With National USPAP Instructor and MAI, Timothy C. Andersen
Reconciliation, it is not just how you finish up a report. It is easy to overlook how important the reconciliation section of an appraisal report truly is. This is where you not only sum up what you have done, but it is the final determination as to what to weight and how. Did you complete the three approaches to value? Why or why not? Did you take the time to truly consider each one? With regard to the sales comparison approach; did you give consideration and weight to each comparable? How did the active listings play a part? So many things to consider. Reconciliation is not something to rush through. Are you doing it? Are you doing it right?
Did you know reconciliation is a two-part process? What are those parts? Doing it correctly might just keep you from losing your license. It could make all the difference in whether or not your report is both reliable and credible. This non-CE credit webinar will make you a better appraiser. Each session will last approximately 90 minutes.
Dustin Harris, The Appraiser Coach, has teamed up with renowned USPAP instructor and MAI, Timothy C. Andersen to bring you this informative, interactive, webinar. Tim is a dynamic personality and a charismatic teacher. He brings to the table over 30 years of experience and is passing it on to you for a minimal cost. Invest in the quality of your reports. Change your process and elevate your reputation as an appraiser. Join Dustin and Tim for this, can’t miss, webinar!
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